Thursday, January 22, 2009


Being new to blogs, I'm still learning how they work. I know some folks have been having difficulty posting comments (I had that problem too), so I changed the settings. Now anyone can leave a comment without having to have an account--hopefully this will encourage more comments, and since I haven't figured out how to count page views yet, it's the only way for me to tell if people are reading my posts!

You might also have noticed the little poll on the left-hand side of the blog. I'd love to know how you feel about my posts--my goal is to be entertaining but also helpful--I'm still trying to find that balance and would appreciate any and all feedback. Please be honest--the poll is anonymous and now that I've changed the posting process, you can leave comments anonymously as well! I'll never forget this quote I read (although I have forgotten where I read it) that said, "most of us would rather be ruined by praise than helped by criticism," and while I'll admit I often feel that way, I think the anonymity of criticism can make it easier to swallow. Post away!


  1. If you are trying to count page views, you'll need a counter of some sort. I've never used them, but two that I've heard of are and I'm sure there are others out there, too. Be careful, though. It'll be depressing when you find out that I'm 20% of your readership.

  2. I know it's anonymous, but I thought I'd explain my poll votes since you're seeking feedback.

    I voted too short, easy to follow, and entertaining. Pretty much all of your posts have kept my attention until the end, so I would guess that you could go on a little bit more in depth before your length gets burdensome. Brevity is in vogue among blogs, but if you've got something interesting to say, go for it, length be damned. As much as I hate to admit it, I have enjoyed your writing thus far and, amazingly, you haven't lobbed anything completely over my head (yet).

    The only reason I did not select 'helpful' is because our tastes in, well, nearly everything tend not to overlap, so as a source for book reviews Bibliovore's Dilemma is not all that useful for me. I'm not trying to say that I don't enjoy reading them or that the reviews are not helpful for different people, just that I don't read a whole lot of Young Adult Fantasy.

  3. Haha...good points. I guess you're probably not too interested in books for middle-aged women either?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ha ha I just read the Fried Green Tomatoes review after I finished my comments... Maybe I will ask my mom if she's read it since she's a middle-aged woman who is also a fan of Green Gables.
