Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Insert clever literary reference to beginnings here

I was just cursing the pretentious bloggers who title their posts with obscure references or witty names that they are clearly very proud of when I found myself trying to do the exact same thing. As far as the title of this entire blog goes, I really just wanted to call it "Books I've Read" but apparently someone else already thought of that. (Who would have thought?) I first saw the term 'bibliovore' used in The Cabinet of Wonders by Marie Rutkoski (a fun book that I'll probably post about at some point) and figured it would be a clever name for this blog but that was also taken so then (after typing in endless variations of 'book' and 'read' without any luck) I thought of Michael Pollan's Omnivore's Dilemma (another good one, although to be honest I never finished it) and that was the first title that wasn't already in existence, so I used it. I suppose it makes sense--so many books to consume, so little time.

I should say that Christine inspired me to start blogging by reading her entertaining "Yesterday's Neat Bug" which you can check out here: Thanks, Christine!

Anyway, I'm writing this as a way to share the books I've enjoyed. I hope others will enjoy them as well!

1 comment:

  1. The Omnivore's Dilemma is fantastic, how can you not have finished that book? Even I've read it in its entirety, and I've only read maybe four books start to finish in my entire life. And that's counting Everyone Poops. Twice.
